Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guess what kind of cake we had....

Saturday at card class the ladies all guessed what kind of cake we were having!!!! They know the zucchini is VERY prolific at my house this time of year. So I am posting this recipe for the best chocolate cake in the world....
Chocolate Zucchini Cake
1/2 c soft butter
1 c oil
1 3/4 c sugar
Beat together then add:
2 eggs
2 c shredded zucchini
1/2 c sour milk
Mix & add:
1 t soda
5 T cocoa powder
2 1/2 c flour
1/2 t salt
1/2 t cinnamon
Pour into greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with chocolate chips & nuts if desired. Bake @ 325• for 40-45 min.

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