Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our Saturday....

Our Saturday afternoon went a little different than we had planned! Ha ha! I had checked the 5 boxes of pears Friday a couple times and they were still green & hard! But wouldn't you know they were ready Saturday afternoon when the guys were gonna go shoot guns. So we had to change our plans & start the pear assembly line! We finished about 8:00. I still have a few green ones ripening but for the most part we are DONE!!! Just a few more items & we'll be done canning for the season!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wood grain Happy Birthday

Good Thursday morning!!!! Wow what a busy week this has been & SHORT!!!
Here's a great masculine card for you all today. Don't you just LOVE the new white core paper? So cool! Couple that with the woodgrain folder and you have a great element to use on any masculine card! Have a great day!!!


Well I was drowning in spaghetti sauce today! I will prevail!
Just a couple of pictures for you of what is going on here. More I mean.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Triple Time Stamping

Here is a super simple but awesome looking card!!! The white pieces that you stamp on are cut at:
2 x 3 1/4
3 x 4 1/4
4 x 5 1/4
Stack those one on top of the other like you were going to mount them on a card putting a tiny but of adhesive on back to assure they do not move whole stamping ,then stamp making sure to have some images go over all three pieces. Yes there will be some part of the images close to the card stock that will be fuzzy but they will be covered up when you mount on colored card stock. Then take apart that little stack you just stamped on.
Cut your colored card stock 1/4" bigger than each white piece & mount.

Layered Taco Dip

If you weren't here Saturday for card should have been! It's always so much fun!!! Here's the "recipe" for the dip we had.
What I do is (depending on how big you want the bean dip to be) add taco seasoning to sour cream, mix & let set to mix flavors. On a large platter spread refried beans. Spread seasoned sour cream on top. Basically then you just layer your favorite taco toppings from there. I did green onions, olives, tomatoes & avocados. Serve with chips.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ribbon Scraps Heart

Ok here's the 1st one. This is a super simple but darling card!!! How many of us have that box of little bitty ribbon scraps that we wonder what to do with? Well wonder no longer! That's what I love about this card. So drag out that scrap box & make some really cute cards!

Beans, beans, beans!!!!

Happy Monday to you all!!!
I hope your weekend was delightful & very restful!
This morning early we all went out to the bean patch & PREVAILED!!
I was glad to have 2 extra helpers making a total of 5 of us ganging up on the beans! 8 five gallon buckets later we were sick if looking at beans!
Up next.....a card class project....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to card class!

Saturday September 22 today.... That means its CARD CLASS!!! Here's what will welcome you when you come! If you aren't here today ....better sign up quick for next month!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Card Class coming up!!!!

YAY!!! It's almost card class time!!!
Here's the ones we are doing Saturday. Of course after card class I will post them each separate with detail!!
We are using some really cool new stuff! The Woodgrain Embossing folder, Perfectly Preserved DSP, Cannery Framelits.... To name a few! If you aren't coming to card class you better sign up for next month ASAP!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Activities of Fall

This last week was a busy busy week!!! We picked & sold produce to a local fruit stand, froze 45 qt bags of corn, canned 35 qts of peaches, canned beans, jalapeño rings, zucchini purée... I am SO thankful that Sunday is a Day of Rest!!!! Here are some pictures from this week. Today was the Annual Youth Pheasant Hunt. It's an organized hunt for kids under 18. We have gone since Clay was 7 & still riding in a car seat! He got his 1st pheasant that year. Cody was 11 & got his 1st pheasant that year too. Now Cody can't hunt there anymore so he helps "plant" the birds & we all hike along on the hunt. Clay did awesome this morning! I think the hint lasted ... Uh....45 minutes. He is an awesome shot! It's always fun & the weather was great & cloudy ! Another busy week ahead but first.... A day of rest! Enjoy!!!

Polka Dot Birthday

I posting two different samples today. The first one is a step up from the 2nd one. The second one we did in class... Due to a time limit. But you can see that the framelits & embossing really added to the finished product!!! Change up the colors & see what you get....although I will say these colors are really COOL!!! Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nacho Rings

Just did 12 pints of Nacho Rings!!!
They are so easy and unless I hide these they could be gone in a month!!! My jalapeño plants are going crazy & if we can keep them covered maybe they won't frost before I do all the Nacho Rings we need!

Telescoping Card

Happy Wednesday!!!
Here is one of my favorite cards ever!!! I have seen this done in so many ways of which was a snowman!!! Adorable!!! So go stamp & have fun with this one!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Imagine the Possibilities!!!

I LOVE the "Perfectly Preserved" stamp set & coordinating dies!!! You've probably guessed that I LOVE to can so this set was right up my alley!!! So "imagine the possibilities" and use this card as a template with other DSPs & stamp sets!!

BTW the banner strips are cut at
1 1/2x 3 1/4
1 1/2 x 4
1 1/2 x 4 1/2

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hang in there!

Here is a lovely card that I can wait to tell you about! Several months ago we did the Elmo card. We used the Scallop Oval die. Well the due has 3 parts. The outside which we used for the Elmo, the inside oval then this scallop oval frame which we used here. I saved them (of course) so when dreaming us a tulip card I tho "Ahha, I know what I'll do with them!!!"
So here it is!!! Beautiful frame! Always have loved this tulip- so sad it is discontinued!!
So have fun with this card!!!!

Flowers Flowers Flowers!!!

Hello strangers!!!!
It's Saturday & I had some time away from canning!!! YAY ME!!! Here is one if the things I worked on today. Aren't they cool? Cut cs at 12" x 5 1/2". Score at 2", 4", 8" & 10". Then fold as I have it here. Embellish & viola!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall is here!!!

Oh my ... I am so sorry I haven't posted in awhile!! We have been canning everyday day nearly! I haven't had much time for anything else!!! Except dove hunting with my guys.
My guys have a hog hunt planned for EARLY Saturday am followed by a fishing trip so that means I will have all day Saturday to myself to play. That
ALSO means that tomorrow I have a ton of work to do so I CAN play!
We are canning green beans tomorrow and possibly more dills. Soon there will be peaches, pears & apples to do!
Class is on the 22nd of September so I gotta get some stamping in soon! Have a wonderful Friday tomorrow!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Give Thanks

Happy Labor Day!!!!
I thought I'd throw in a scrapbook page for you today. Cold weather is coming and it'll be time for scrapbooking before we know it!
Have an awesome day today!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I wanted to put this fun card on here to show off the Natural Composition Specialty paper. It is on page 163 in the Idea Book & Catalog. It is so pretty & kinda hard to see in pictures bit is embossed monochromatic glossy print.
Hope you have a delightful weekend & may your new week be blessed!