Friday, May 30, 2014

Show Your Colors!!

Wow!! What a whirlwind the last week has been!! I'm so sorry I have not posted in so many days...among other things we have had two friends die this last weekend. There were lots of trips to the hospital also... So we've been a little preoccupied!  Now with company coming today to stay for a week I figured I better get something posted before I  do my morning walks.
It's that time of year when we need graduation cards!! Here's one to sport your school colors. You could add brads, cap or ribbon if you want but I liked it the way it is.  Have a wonderful day & enjoy the awesome weather!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summertime Watermelon

I think summer will come ....sometime...this year...
But in the meantime here's a cheery summer card to make to cheer someone up while we are waiting for the real deal.
So fun, bright & scrumptious looking!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another Quilt

Whether its a baby card, shower card or a get well card here's one that makes you feel warm & cozy all over. Making a quilt has never been easier!! Using the Octagon punch, punch a bunch of pieces out of your favorite DSP and put them together leaving a small margin. I put them onto a 3 1/4" square piece of Whisper White then once they're all mounted you trim to the edge of the Whisper White. Mount onto So Saffron the run thro the Big Shot using the Houndstooth embossing folder. Mount onto your cardbase then add your greeting. And if you choose to you can stack & layer your punches under your greeting.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Winnie the Pooh

I LOVE Winnie the Pooh so this card is one of my favorites!!
And of course you know me... I love using punches in different ways. This card is very simple to make using several if Stampin Ups punches. I also printed up the greetings on my computer. And remember Winnie the Pooh isn't just for kids so make up a bunch of these cards to use for different occasions.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fruit Pizza

Make a sugar cookie crust:
1 c butter softened
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c sugar
1 egg
Cream together then add:
1 t vanilla
1/4 t salt
1/4 t soda
2 1/2 c flour
Mix well. Spread 3/4 of dough onto greased pizza pan. Save rest for another use.
Bake at 350 for 8-10 min or til barely browned. Cool completely.
Cream cheese layer:
1 8oz cream cheese softened
1/2 c sugar (less is optional)
1/2 t vanilla
Drizzle milk til spreadable 
Spread on cooled crust.
Decorated with sliced fruit.

Layered Taco Dip

Start with a big can of refries beans. 
Spread it out on a big serving platter.
Top with: 2 c sour cream mixed with
                1 T taco seasoning (to taste)
Spread evenly over bean layer.
Layer in order: cheese, lettuce, green onions, olives & tomatoes
Serve with chips.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Baby Duck

When I saw this little guy online I KNEW I had to make him!! Isn't he the sweetest thing! This is a very "punchy" card!!  I love the color combo too. I used some discontinued DSP but there's so many substitutions now so you'll have an easy time creating your own.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

It's Here!!!

Spring salmons season is here& my guys are on the river as much as work allows! I've enjoyed going too although I haven't caught anything yet. Fun times!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Baby Bib

Oh my isn't this so cute??   Love baby thank you's! They are so fun to make.

Tiny Hands

Sweeeeet!!! Love this card!! Polka dots & babies go hand in hand!!

Coffee & Friends

The perfect blend... Coffee & friends...
But sometimes you need a perfect card for that special friend! This card is the one!! Orange & grey are so perfect together. I used the OOOOLD Stampin Up set "What's Brewin" paired with "Perfect Blend". You could tuck in a gift card for your favorite coffee shop & have a sweet birthday gift. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Watercolor Wonder Mother

Gotta love that Watercolor Wonder DSP!! Perfect for a sweet card for your "favorite" mom! But remember you can only get it in the Spring Mini catalog that terminates on June1!!  

Friday, May 2, 2014

Grey Skies

Who would have ever thot that these two colors would go together??  But they do & beautifully too!! Using simple punches you can create the cheeriest grey sky ever! To make the sun punch the 2 3/8" scallop circle in Crushed Curry. Stick a sticky note to it so you have something to hold onto then turn your scallop so that the points between the scallop are now punching on each scallop. This creates the more "spikey" points to the sun.

Just Because

A discontinued DSP but nonetheless a super sweet, super simple card! See how sometimes just those three little brads make the card pleasant to your eye? It balances & completes the card. Also notice how simple can sometimes be more restful than a scrappy crazy card which is becoming so popular now days. 

See Ya Later

Was there ever a cuter alligator? Nope, probably not!! And he's very easy to make using the pennant punch. A great card for telling dear friends goodbye, or switch up the greeting & use him for a kids card. Whichever the case I think he's adorable!!

MOM- One in a Million

I love multi fold cards!! This one is no exception. The CS with MOM on the front is actually a mini card that is slipped in & adhered to the main card so it opens the opposite direction. And can you even imagine any other DSP than Watercolor Wonder that would make this such a soft feminine card just for mom?? Watercolor Wonder is another one of those DSPs that I wish would stay around forever!